HP ProOne 440 G4 [5JN75ES]

Technical characteristics HP ProOne 440 G4 [5JN75ES]:
Main features
Full list of features
A type All-in-One PC
Screen diagonal 23.8 "
Resolution 1920x1080 px
CPU Intel Core i3
Number of cores 4 cores
CPU frequency 3.1 GHz
Number of Slots 2 pcs /SODIMM
The amount of RAM 8 GB /1 x 8
Type of memory DDR4
Type of drive HDD
HDD storage capacity 1000 GB
Graphics Card Type built-in
Preset OS Windows 10 Pro
The weight 6.37 kg (початковий)
A type All-in-One PC
Screen diagonal 23.8 "
Type of matrix IPS
Resolution 1920x1080 px
Screen Surface anti-glare
Hardware part
Сhipset Intel Q370
CPU Intel Core i3
Model 8100T /6 MB cache
Number of cores 4 cores
Number of threads 4 streams
CPU frequency 3.1 GHz
Number of Slots 2 pcs /SODIMM
The amount of RAM 8 GB /1 x 8
Type of memory DDR4
Clock frequency 2666 MHz
Max. mounted volume 32 GB
Storage device
Type of drive HDD
HDD storage capacity 1000 GB
SSD Drive Capacity 128 GB
Spindle speed 7200 rpm
Drive unit DVD-RW
Optical drive DVD Super-Multi
Video card
Graphics Card Type built-in
Series graphics cards Intel HD Graphics
Built-in speakers
Built-in microphone
Built-in Web Camera 1MP HD
Net LAN /10/100/1000
Wi-Fi /802.11ac
Bluetooth /5.0
Connectors DisplayPort
1 x Audio (combo)
USB Type-C
Ethernet (RJ-45)
USB 3.1 4 pcs /Gen1
Preset OS Windows 10 Pro
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Equipment USB keyboard and USB mouse
Additional information optional /HDMI 2.0, (1) DisplayPort 1.2; (1) serial; (1) HDMI 2.0
PSU power 120 W
Dimensions (HxWxD) 349.6 х 539.6 х 51.9 mm
Colour black
The weight 6.37 kg (початковий)
Warranty 12 months
Package dimensions
Width 270 mm
Height 450 mm
Length 640 mm
Weight 9.70 kg
Volume 0.0778 m3
Type: All-in-One PC; Screen size: 23.8 "; Chipset: Intel Q370; Processor model: 8100T; Number of cores: 4 cores; RAM: 8 GB; Type of graphics card: built-in; Type of drive: HDD, SSD; Capacity: 1000 GB; Connectors: DisplayPort, 1 x Audio (combo), USB Type-C, Ethernet (RJ-45); Preinstalled OS: Windows 10 Pro; PSU power: 120 W;
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